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YogaBellies Baby Massage

Baby Massage is a massage that is given to babies by their care giver.  It involves gentle stroke and rubbing movements utilising tactile and kinesthetic therapy to enhance their cognitive and physical development.  There are many benefits of massage for both baby and care giver for example:

Positive interaction, connection and bonding between baby and care giver
Helps care giver understand baby's non-verbal communication
Develops co-ordination, body and mind awareness, promotes relaxation and quality of sleep for baby (and parents!)
Can alleviate constipation, trapped wind, soothe colic and teething discomforts

Mums, Dads, Grandparents are welcome to come with baby to the class.  It is also an excellent opportunity to encourage bonding between older siblings and the new baby as they can participate in the massage giving.


Tuesday mornings 10.00 am until 11.00 am Scotstoun Leisure Centre, Glasgow

Thursday mornings 9.30 am until 10.30 am Gorbals Leisure Centre, Glasgow

One to one and couples session available on request.

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